Tuesday, September 23, 2014

New little ones!!

I'm so excited, I get girls!!! I don't know if I mentioned,but I have a licensed daycare in my home. I am the boy Mom, 4 boys only one, precious girl. Most of the people who have asked me to watch their children have boys. But now I am getting 2 little girls within 2 months!!!
Pink babies!! I'm praying they will be long term, I have really enjoyed the 4 year old boy I have had since he was itty bitty, he's my bud! But I'm ready to make pig tails and play pink dress up!

When do babies learn there own comforting skills?

Simple answer, when they need them!Yup, they don't need to learn to comfort themselves if they are always rocked to sleep, never let to cry, sleep in a swing or rocker the majority of time.
Babies care includes people meeting their needs by talking with them, feeding, burping, changing, and letting them sleep, alot. Their need for touch and connection are all met in those activities. Technically mother's of newborns can have plenty of time for work and sleep, if they let their children grow.
Playing is important too, but if your infant is fussy, you know they just ate, are not gassy, they are dry, have been up a while, but you think it is to early to sleep, don't try to cheer, don't say what's a matter, your just feeding the fussiness. Help them, put them down to hang out near you or put them to bed!! When you are tired and someone wants you to stay and visit and you get crabby, no cheering will help, you need sleep, same with baby.
So if we let them fuss a bit, they will not die. I found with all but one baby I have cared for over 20+ years, that children in general need 2 hour naps but will make some noise at the 1 hour point, but will go back to sleep. When parents tell me their newborn doesn't sleep well, I question it, Sometimes we need to leave them alone! They will go back to sleep if we haven't rushed in to rescue them. I don't sleep long if someone keeps checking on me :-)
Speaking of fussing when waking. Babies take their cues from us, if they fuss and in a sad voice, we say what's a matter, poor thing, you're feeding it. If they cry on waking, it's there communication but only as long as  you feed it, a cooing baby waking is so much more pleasant. When I get children up from naps, I always enter with a smile and positive comment, " oh I see a pretty baby that's awake, Hi sweetie". I just set the tone, and no one expects me to entertain them into a good mood, older children can be encouraged to find their happy heart or maybe they need more sleep.
It is hard to hear any child cry. We can use a timer, if its not to late to start early, use a timer, if a child is not "rescued" in 10 minutes they will give up and go to sleep.That is why monitors have off buttons, white noise is good for Mom and Dad too. I'm not talking hours, unless you have set really bad habits and they need to be broken.
Another thing my Mom taught me is that it's good to set a routine, go with babies basic schedule. If it is time for a nap, they should be in bed. Establish, tummy time, feeding times, play time area, and the designated bed area and time.
So new Moms, your baby needs a break, needs opportunity to grow, will not die if alone, will not suffer if they fuss for more that 5  minutes, and need to exercise their lungs with a bit of crying.
Always remember, God gave that baby to you, He did not intend it to be all stress, relax, enjoy!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

I have accomplished nothing today!!!

Especially as keepers of the home and Mom's we may feel this way. It is rarely true, or we are sick and need a rest. What helps me when I feel this way is to write down what I have accomplished. Even if you're up out of bed, you have moved, build on this.
Often half way through the day, kids are dressed, and have been fed, but the laundry is not done or the dishes stacked up, you HAVE accomplished SOMETHING!
Satan likes to trip us up, God allows us challenging days, what will we do with them? When we trip up, with our kids or husband, when we are lazy or self centered, will  we look down, wallow in it or will we look up, get up brush off and continue?
God says all things work together for them who love him and are called according to His purpose, Romans 8:28. He can redeem when we react unkindly by convicting us to apologize, love and be a better example.
As we work in our homes with our little people, we can include them in all we do, when they are tiny, we work and talk to them or put them down for nap, when they eat we eat, when we fold, or toddlers can help, when we vacuum our crawlers can ride on the vacuum.
We can not as wives first, keepers of our homes and parents to children who need to constantly growing towords independence, make those same children our excuse not to get things done. Yes sometimes, we need to put off house work for them but it should not be a standard, children learn patience by having to wait, learn contentment by not having every whim answered immediately.
So as I finish, I need to go accomplish more, yes kids are dressed and fed, a couple times, but boy does my floor need mopping during nap.
Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Is my babies development "normal"?

I hear this question sometimes when people find out I have my Spec. Ed degree, that I take care of a child diagnosed with autism, or that my youngest had speech testing at 12 months old. There is a range for normal in every category of development. My second child stood at 6 months and walked at 9 months, in contrast, my third child could crawl faster than his older siblings could walk, but didn't walk on his own until he was 13 months old, still normal.

Then there are behaviors children exhibit that are typical for their age but don't grow out of it, this often is seen in the way a child walks, talks or plays with toys. It's okay to have differences and seek help. My 5th child's speech was delayed, I knew it because at one he had no consonant sounds, with much coaching he never said by by or ball, his favorite toy. By then all my children had been saying dah, for done after a meal, had names for Mom and Dad and even the dog or a sibling.

I had him tested even though my Doctor said he wouldn't worry about it until he was 4. I think some of my friends thought it was extreme but my theory was "if" I'm right and he needs speech, great, if he didn't need speech it only took me a couple hours. On the other hand "if" he needed it and we didn't get intervention it may delay other aspects of learning and I didn't want to be a factor in giving him extra challenges.
I love to tell about how the Lord worked it out, not only did he really need speech, I was able to be a witness to the Jewish speech therapist for 3 years and she became quite close with the family.

I have had many opportunities to talk with Mom's about child development. The biggest heart break for me is to see a child that is a little different, that would benefit from acceptance and intervention, but don't get it because their parents so badly want their child to be "normal".

Friday, August 23, 2013

Babies needs, what about crying related to feedings?

Many things have come up in the last month, as friends care for their babies. Yes babies have bad days, don't we all? Besides needing to be fed, changed and napped, they can  be gassy, teething, and many other things, but a hard day Lord willing is the exception not the rule :-)

I have been asked "how can I tell if a baby is in pain from gas?" Babies, even happy ones, when gassy will have a tight belly, bring their legs up or kick. They maybe happier upright or on their stomachs than laying flat. Feeding should be a happy time so if they are unhappy after eating they may need to burp.

During feedings some babies need to be put upright and patted often. Sucking is a comfort for gas unless the baby is sucking more into their bellies, creating more pain. The action of sucking helps with digestion. Most babies get mad when you interrupt their feeding for a burp, but it is best for them. One way to deal with this is to use a pacifier. Many children do not take pacifiers at first, but if it is offered as an alternative often, many will take it eventually and they will feel better.

I didn't want my first baby to have a pacifier, I told the nurses in the hospital, but changed my mind when I learned they are a tool and can be used wisely. I love comforting babies, but my job is to help them develop their own comforting skills, pacifiers can help. Some reasons I didn't want my kids to have them came from seeing a baby not be able to interact without it, or an older child that had to take it out of their mouth to talk.

So after my husband and I discussed it we decided the pacifier would be for when young ones were being fed, in bed, swing, car seat and stroller then as they got older only for nap and bed time. Out of 5 I only had one that had a harder time giving it up at 18 months, but necessity is the mother of invention and when I got an idea it only took a week for him to be quietly weened. Praise God, so much easier than getting the bottle away from the first child at 14 months.

Some Mom's say "my baby gets burped between breasts or every 2 ounces isn't that enough?" For some babies yes, for others no, their digestive systems are different and they need more help. So burping more often is very beneficial.

When you can tell a baby is gassy there are many things that may help:  patting their back firmly, rubbing their belly, laying them on their stomachs, or sides, rocking, by someone or in a swing, a warm compress on the belly or an ounce of warm water with or without mint.

When my second child was born she cried alot the first 6 weeks, and I needed to care for my other child, home and husband. So she spent alot of time in the swing, I'm glad she was happy and I didn't cater to her. At that time I was encouraged by an older mom, to go longer between feedings and feed her longer each time. If I had her today I would do shorter feeding, more burping, less time between feedings and warm water. I learned from that and have helped mine and others babies have a less painful first six weeks :-) Living and learning that's what God intended.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Happy babies.

Can you spoil a brand new baby?  I really don't know but I never want to find out, so I think it's important not to hold a baby 24-7. Let's face it, if we are willing to read blogs about children, our children are not going to be neglected. At the same time, many parents are saying how hard it is to have a new born. New born babies sleep 16-17 hours in a 24 hour period, 2 hours or more at a time. My suggestion to new Moms is to nap when the baby does, especially in the first few weeks while recovering from childbirth. After that, nap time is for making the house a place a husband wants to come home to, as well as a couple break times for naps, Bible reading, and relaxation for Mom.

Beyond feeding, burping, and changing babies, they need time to grow, play, and watch you take care of all God has graciously given you, this will bless your husband too, God gave you him first :-). "But" you say, "what if I'm doing the dishes and the baby cries?" finish your dishes, if the baby is in ear-shot, talk to them soothingly and encourage them that you will be with them soon. Babies are pretty tough and even if they can't hear you, they will be okay for 10 minutes or so. You are instilling trust and security in your baby, and giving them the opportunity to develop their own comforting skills and maybe exercise their lungs a little.

I'm not saying I never hold, played with, or talked to babies unless they have a need, no one who loves babies has to be told to interact with them. We want to, but, it is dangerous for the baby to control our lives. God gives us this great blessing of bringing up children to be pleasing to Him. If we teach them patience early on, they will continue to develop it throughout their lives.

I have so much more to say, but that is enough for now. Next time I will talk more how babies communicate. God has equipped us to teach our babies so many wonderful things from the very beginning, as well as take care of other responsibilities He has given us.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Re-Start: This is me :-)

So I started this blog a long time ago and never came back. I am starting over and plan on visiting once a week. We'll see how it goes.
I'm a "middle aged" Mom with one girl, now married, and 4 boys still at home. The youngest is almost 15. I love the Lord and want Him to get all the glory for everything in my life. I have a degree in special education and have taken care of children of all ages and abilities since I was 12.
I'm not big on the blogging idea. Why would I think anyone wants to know every detail and thought of my life? I don't. However, God has given me so many opportunities to learn and I want to pass on what I learn.
I also want to make sure I am making the most of the time God has given me on this earth and help others do the same. So I don't want to be on the computer too much or give anyone an excuse to be away from their God given responsibilities.
I am blogging because I have people ask me questions about what to do  to in certain situations with their little ones. I figure since that since God has brought those people to me that I might as well let more than the few know the answer that I believe is in line with God's will and works best.
I do like to give advice, the Lord is working on me only to give it when asked and to think before I talk. I figure blogging will help with that learning process.: